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7 Foods That Can Help Fight Seasonal Allergies




The arrival of spring means the arrival of many beautiful things. Birds fly here and there chirping gladly, plants and flowers get in their full bloom, the grass is greener than ever and the weather is just so beautiful. But many of you keep on adding a tissue to the used pile after every few minutes.

Instead of enjoying the season, you are busy in nasal sprays. You avoid going out and are sneezing most of the time. Next time you experience a seasonal allergy, make sure to watch out for your diet instead of restocking the meds.

Let’s have a look at the 7 best foods which help in shooing away the seasonal allergies.


Turmeric is a very popular Indian spice and has many benefits. People use it for the cure of many ailments. It is an anti-inflammatory too. Curcumin is a component of turmeric which stops the production of histamine in our body and hence prevents us from developing any allergy.

Curcumin also slows down inflammation. When a person has higher inflammation, he will have more chance of catching an allergy. It’s better to add turmeric to eggs, soups and smoothies.


Quercetin is a bioflavonoid found richly in apples. It is also present in garlic, berries, cabbage, cauliflower and onions. It basically prevents our body from releasing histamine. When histamine is stopped being released, there are fewer chances of catching an allergy. A study has also suggested that eating apples and fish by pregnant women can lower the chance of developing allergy and asthma in their children.


This extremely yummy fruit is rich in vitamin C. This vitamin is not only a good mood booster but also stops or lowers the production of histamine in our body. When our body produces histamine, we have a runny and sneezy nose along with itchy eyes.

A study has found that vitamin C decreases the production of histamine in our body by 38%. Similarly, the deficiency of vitamin C gives a boost to the production of histamine. Our body makes the enzyme diamine oxidase to keep the levels of histamine bearable. If we take supplements of vitamin C, vitamin B6, zinc and copper, this would help with DAO.


Probiotics are live bacteria that are good for our body. They keep the digestive system healthy and fight allergic reactions too. In the journal, Clinical and Experimental Allergy, it is said that people who suffer from some sort of allergy, if they gulp down probiotic drinks can lower the level of antibodies that their body produces.

Probiotics are more like a good friend; guiding the body when it should be upset or should be releasing antibodies and when it should stay calm and not react. Before anyone plans on having probiotic drinks or fermented vegetables like sauerkraut, they should keep this in mind that there are certain proteins in dairy products and histamines present naturally in food, which can cause allergic reactions.

So basically one has to experiment and find out whether such drinks and food suit them or not. If you can’t take this risk, you can always go for supplements but make sure to consult your doctor before starting a new supplement.


Pumpkin seeds are a very good and rich source of magnesium. Just ¼ cup of these can fulfill half of the daily requirement of magnesium of our body. Magnesium is a muscle relaxant, and it opens our tracks for easier breathing.

Studies conducted on animals have shown that deficiency of magnesium increases the histamine levels. Other foods which are loaded with magnesium are dark chocolate, oatmeal, green leafy vegetables, sunflower seeds, almonds and broccoli.


Salmon is the best source of Omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 is very healthy for our body. It is an excellent anti-inflammatory and its consumption would keep allergies at a distance from you. The European Journal of Clinical Nutrition published a study in which it was mentioned that high levels of Omega-3 fatty acids in the body functioned as a prevention from hay fever.

Another study mentioned that the diet of the children of the Greek island of Crete was rich in fish and as a result, they were less prone to catching any allergy or having asthma. Omega-3 is also good for the heart. It is a good mood booster too and improves one’s memory as well.


Whole foods are way better than processed foods. They have lots of benefits and are very healthy. Processed foods are loaded with Omega-6 fatty acids which are pro-inflammatory and are said to cause allergies.

A person who eats food that has too much Omega-6 is more likely to have an allergy, as Omega-6 increases the level of inflammation in the body. Whole foods are rich in antioxidants and its consumption means less refined carbs and sugars. Refined carbs and sugar are again said to increase inflammation in the body. So in order to stay away from any type of allergy, it is better to add maximum whole foods in our diet and stay away from processed foods.