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How Healthy Are Freeze Dried Fruits?



Freeze dried fruit is fruit that has been dehydrated and has a firm and crunchy texture. It is an ideal addition to a well balanced diet with some of the fruit containing less than 40 calories per serving, providing a healthy snack that is lightweight and can be carried about in a bag or pocket to provide an energy boost on the go.

What are Freeze Dried Fruits?

Freeze dried fruits are made of regular fruit items that have up to 98% of their water removed, whilst still maintaining most of its colour, flavour and nutritional value. They have much longer use-by dates than regular fruit and so can save you money in the long run. They are also incredibly lightweight and come in much smaller portion sizes than regular fruit, making them incredibly convenient for healthy snacking both at the desk or during a workout.

Health Benefits of Freeze Dried Fruits.

FD fruits contains a number of components needed for a healthy diet such as fibre. Fibre has been shown to reduce the risk of colon cancer, aids digestion and maintains a low cholesterol. The fruit also contains antioxidants, which are concentrated as the fruit is freeze dried. Just two tablespoons of freeze dried raspberries can offer as much antioxidants as an entire cup of fresh ones. Antioxidants are utilised by the body to fight free radical damage that can come from unhealthy foods and environments. This can help the body to fight illnesses such as cancer and heart disease.

Freeze dried fruit provides an ideal snack to satisfy a sweet tooth if someone is a sufferer of diabetes. Unlike dried fruit, there is no sugar added to freeze dried fruit with its natural sweetness making it a healthier alternative.

Although some nutrients are lost during the freeze drying process, freeze dried fruit still contains similar amounts of nutrients when compared to fresh fruit with researchers agreeing that the loss of nutrients is minimal. Despite the miniscule loss of some nutrients during the processing of the fruit, it can still help people to meet their recommended daily intake of iron, potassium, vitamin A and vitamin C through daily consumption. These vitamins and minerals help to regulate blood pressure, boosts immunity and helps the blood to remain adequately oxygenated.